Research Article
Pre-Extension Demonstration of Black Cumin Technologies in Goro and Ginnir Districts of Bale and East Bale Zones Southeastern Oromia
Ayalew Sida*
Bayeta Gadissa
Volume 10, Issue 6, December 2024
22 October 2024
13 November 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginnir districts. The new variety Urgessa was demonstrated and evaluated against the standard check Gemechis where plot size of 10*10 m was used for each variety. Row planting was applied using seed rate of 12 kg /ha and fertilizer (NPS) rate of 100 kg/ha. Yield data, number of farmers participated on training and mini field days, production costs and farmers’ feedback were collected using field observation, check list, and focus group discussion. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Cost-benefit analysis was used for profitability analysis. Awareness creation activities like training and mini field days were arranged for target beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Combined yield evaluation was carried out in which Urgessa gave higher seed yield of 13.84 qt/ha while Gemechis gave 11.73 qt/ha. Direct matrix ranking was used to rank black cumin varieties. Consequently, farmers gave the higher score for Urgessa variety. The result of pair wise ranking indicated that farmers gave high attention for traits of yield, number of branch per plant and number of capsule per plant. The result of profitability analysis also revealed that the farmer who prefers to produce Urgessa variety could get an extra net benefit of 24,360.00 ETB/ha than who prefers to produce Gemechis variety in single production season. Therefore, based on farmers’ preference and profitability analysis, Urgessa variety is recommended for pre-scaling up.
Abstract: Pre-extension demonstration of improved black cumin technologies was carried out in Goro and Ginnir districts. The new variety Urgessa was demonstrated and evaluated against the standard check Gemechis where plot size of 10*10 m was used for each variety. Row planting was applied using seed rate of 12 kg /ha and fertilizer (NPS) rate of 100 kg/ha. ...
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Research Article
Valuation of State-Owned Enterprises in the Process of Privatisation in Ethiopia: Procedures and Methods
Habtamu Bishaw Asres*
Volume 10, Issue 6, December 2024
4 October 2024
30 October 2024
29 November 2024
Abstract: Real property valuation is a vital component in the privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In Ethiopia, real property valuation is a difficult task as there is a lack of skilled manpower in the field, no adequate real estate market, and legal gaps in valuation. In addition literatures are scant about how real property valuation is done. Therefore, this study examines real property valuation procedures and challenges in the process of privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Ethiopia. To achieve the objective of the study, qualitative research approach is applied. The target populations of the study were appraisers who participated in the valuation of SOEs. A purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents. Primary data were collected from appraisers using key informant interview (KII). Document review from different secondary sources was employed to triangulate the KIIs. The data were analyzed using thematic grouping and narration. The study found that for profitable enterprises Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) methods have been applied while for loss-making enterprises the DRC method has been used. These methods are selected based on the preceding three years of data. Moreover, these valuation methods are not applied in a proper way and the basis of selecting these methods are unjustifiable. The valuation result of SOEs, do not reported in a standard valuation reports formats. Lack of skilled manpower, inappropriate use of the valuation approaches, inappropriate base for selecting techniques of valuation, and organizational inefficiency are the key problems faced during valuation. To improve the situation market principles should be applied in the valuation of SOEs for privatization purposes in Ethiopia. These can be achieved by introducing strong institutions responsible for valuation regulations at the central level.
Abstract: Real property valuation is a vital component in the privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In Ethiopia, real property valuation is a difficult task as there is a lack of skilled manpower in the field, no adequate real estate market, and legal gaps in valuation. In addition literatures are scant about how real property valuation is done. T...
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