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Physico-Chemical and Microbial Characterisation of Water from the Abengourou dam in Eastern Côte d’Ivoire

Received: 1 June 2023     Accepted: 4 July 2023     Published: 26 July 2023
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The water from the Abengourou dam is used for the production of drinking water. This study aims to characterise this resource in order to assess the quality of the water for monitoring and sustainability of the operation. Six sampling points were identified, four of which were at the main entrances, one inside the water body and another at the dam. Samples were taken at three different depths and during the two main seasons. In total, some forty physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were monitored for the thirty-six samples taken in one year. The results obtained show an inter-seasonal variation in the parameters monitored. The waters of the dam are very weakly mineralised and not very turbid. The highest turbidity during the wet and dry seasons are respectively 6.5 NTU and 11.1 NTU. The electrical conductivity of the water is between 173 and 190 µS/cm in the dry season and between 149 and 163 μS/cm in the wet season. This is mainly due to rising water levels during the wet season and evaporation during the dry season. Concentrations of iron, pesticide residues, manganese and ortho-phosphate above the WHO guidelines for drinking water were recorded. Average iron levels in the wet and dry seasons are 0.84 and 0.53 mg/L respectively. Manganese levels reached 2.02 in some samples in the dry season. Organohologenes were found at levels up to 0.04 µg/L in the high-water period. A greater presence of germs indicating faecal contamination was found during the high-water period. This contamination is of human or mixed human-animal origin depending on the sampling point. The highest levels are recorded at point P2, which represents the urbanised part of the catchment area for several of the parameters analysed.

Published in American Journal of Environmental Protection (Volume 12, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajep.20231204.13
Page(s) 109-120
Creative Commons

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Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Abengourou Dam, Microbial Characterisation, Physico-Chemical Characterisation, Surface Water, Water Quality

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  • APA Style

    Sawadogo, B., Faye, M. D., Konaté, Y., Ekoun, A. L., Karambiri, H. (2023). Physico-Chemical and Microbial Characterisation of Water from the Abengourou dam in Eastern Côte d’Ivoire. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 12(4), 109-120.

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    ACS Style

    Sawadogo, B.; Faye, M. D.; Konaté, Y.; Ekoun, A. L.; Karambiri, H. Physico-Chemical and Microbial Characterisation of Water from the Abengourou dam in Eastern Côte d’Ivoire. Am. J. Environ. Prot. 2023, 12(4), 109-120. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20231204.13

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    AMA Style

    Sawadogo B, Faye MD, Konaté Y, Ekoun AL, Karambiri H. Physico-Chemical and Microbial Characterisation of Water from the Abengourou dam in Eastern Côte d’Ivoire. Am J Environ Prot. 2023;12(4):109-120. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20231204.13

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajep.20231204.13,
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Physico-Chemical and Microbial Characterisation of Water from the Abengourou dam in Eastern Côte d’Ivoire
    AU  - Boukary Sawadogo
    AU  - Moussa Diagne Faye
    AU  - Yacouba Konaté
    AU  - Ange Ludovic Ekoun
    AU  - Harouna Karambiri
    Y1  - 2023/07/26
    PY  - 2023
    N1  -
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    JF  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
    JO  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
    SP  - 109
    EP  - 120
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2328-5699
    UR  -
    AB  - The water from the Abengourou dam is used for the production of drinking water. This study aims to characterise this resource in order to assess the quality of the water for monitoring and sustainability of the operation. Six sampling points were identified, four of which were at the main entrances, one inside the water body and another at the dam. Samples were taken at three different depths and during the two main seasons. In total, some forty physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were monitored for the thirty-six samples taken in one year. The results obtained show an inter-seasonal variation in the parameters monitored. The waters of the dam are very weakly mineralised and not very turbid. The highest turbidity during the wet and dry seasons are respectively 6.5 NTU and 11.1 NTU. The electrical conductivity of the water is between 173 and 190 µS/cm in the dry season and between 149 and 163 μS/cm in the wet season. This is mainly due to rising water levels during the wet season and evaporation during the dry season. Concentrations of iron, pesticide residues, manganese and ortho-phosphate above the WHO guidelines for drinking water were recorded. Average iron levels in the wet and dry seasons are 0.84 and 0.53 mg/L respectively. Manganese levels reached 2.02 in some samples in the dry season. Organohologenes were found at levels up to 0.04 µg/L in the high-water period. A greater presence of germs indicating faecal contamination was found during the high-water period. This contamination is of human or mixed human-animal origin depending on the sampling point. The highest levels are recorded at point P2, which represents the urbanised part of the catchment area for several of the parameters analysed.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Laboratoire Eaux Hydro-Systèmes et Agriculture (LEHSA), Institut International d'ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE Institute), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

  • Laboratoire Eaux Hydro-Systèmes et Agriculture (LEHSA), Institut International d'ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE Institute), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

  • Laboratoire Eaux Hydro-Systèmes et Agriculture (LEHSA), Institut International d'ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE Institute), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

  • Laboratoire Eaux Hydro-Systèmes et Agriculture (LEHSA), Institut International d'ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE Institute), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

  • Laboratoire Eaux Hydro-Systèmes et Agriculture (LEHSA), Institut International d'ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE Institute), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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